Unit 17 Website Development



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This is a complex and powerful program that can be used to create advanced interactive features, including Adobe Dreamweaver this is a complex and powerful program that can be used to create advanced interactive features

  • Creating Web pages is made simple with Dreamweaver. Instead of hand-writing code in the computer language HTML,

  • Dreamweaver writes it for you! This application allows you to point and click your way to an outstanding Web site.

  • It covers formatting text, inserting images, using layers to control page display, linking to other pages, and provides a foundation in Web site management


Installing computer hardware

Some hardware and software components which enable internet and web functionality

Hardware components

 Web server receives the information given by the user and it has a job to deliver the requested information required by the user  

 Mail server receives the emails that were sent through the internet and it has as a job deliver the mail to the address.

A proxy server receive the information given by the computer and delivers to the remote server (web server)

A router purpose is to split up an internet or networks signal to go to different computers. There are 2 types, regular and wireless.

The modem provide internet by a cable and this connection is known as Ethernet connection

The computer allow the user to have access to the internet and software programs

 Software components  

These web browser applications are the best software to surf on the internet, here are some ex:

  • opera
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Int. Explorer
 The Email client  is a computer program used to manage a user's email. Here are some examples of what it does:
  • Allows the user to read and send Emails
  • Allows  the user to send Emails with  attachments

Web server application is an application that provides software applications with services such as security, data services etc.

The operating system software is a collection of software that manages computer Hardware, and organises the general operation of the computer

The antivirus  provide security when surfing online, preventing virus to arm the computer


Computer systems

I chose Adobe premiere because is a non-linear video editing application with powerful real-time video and audio editing tools that give you precise control over virtually every aspect of your production.  Adobe premiere because is a non-linear video editing application with powerful real-time video and audio editing tools that give you precise control over virtually every aspect of your production.

Video how to create a website with Dreamweaver
